Rheological additive for oil-based drilling fluids
BENTONE 990 rheological additive is an organophilic amino-attapulgite which controls the settling of solids in oil-based drilling muds and other drilling fluids. BENTONE 990's unique rheological structure suspends weighting materials and other solids with less increase in viscosity and gel strength than conventional bentonite or hectorite based organoclays. This allows the formulation of low viscosity muds with undiminished penetration rates and cuttings removal.
BENTONE 990 can be used alone or in combination with conventional organoclay gellants.The solids suspension capacity of a fluid which is already thickened with an organoclay can be increased by the addition of BENTONE 990, without substantially increasing the viscosity of the system.
- Effectively suspends weighting materials and other solids
- 以最小的粘度和凝胶强度增幅来控制沉降
- 可减少油的顶部分离
- Maintains suspension over a wide range of water contents Maintains suspension over a wide temperature range
- 增加有机膨润土胶凝剂增稠液体中固体的悬浮
- Has little effect of filtration; this must be controlled separately
Market segment
- 能源
- 钻井液添加剂