Rheological additive for low to medium polarity binders and solvents, A grade that is easy to disperse and provides good thixothropy, sag resistance, and anti-settling properties.
BENGEL 958 demonstrates easier dispersibility compared to conventional organoclays. It provides good thixothropy, sag resistance, and anti-settling properties.
It is an easy dispersible grade, and provides great flexibility in manufacturing procedures. It is recommended to be used in systems like air dry long oil alkyd enamels, polyurethane sanding sealers, general industrial maintenances, printing inks, sealants and aliphatic systems.
- 即使在不理想的分散条件下仍易于掺入
- 简化制造
- 无需预凝胶
- 无需极性活化剂
- 提供良好的抗流挂和颜料悬浮性能
- 稳定提高流变性
- 具成本效益
- 流变剂
- 有机膨润土
Market segment
- 油漆、涂料和油墨
- 底漆和家装木器漆
- 汽车原厂涂料
- 汽车修补涂料
- 其他交通运输涂料
- 工业维护涂料
- 船舶防护涂料
- 集装箱涂料
- 木器涂料
- 一般工业涂料
- 油墨